2nd Grade Math: Online Games for Improving Math Skills

6 min read
2nd Grade Math: Online Games for Improving Math Skills

Improving math skills doesn’t sound like much fun—that is, until games are involved. With math, sometimes it really is all fun and games. It should be, at least. While your student is learning 2nd grade math, online games are the perfect way to have some fun and study up at home. They might even forget they’re practicing math while they do it. 

How Games Can Help with Learning Math

2nd Grade Math Online Games for Improving Math Skills

As your child moves past kindergarten and the 1st grade, math gets a little more complicated. It’s not just about number recognition anymore. Your child will learn new number expressions. They will be introduced to the world of equations in 2nd grade math. Online games help make the learning process a little less frustrating. Improving math skills with games, as opposed to the usual method of pencil and paper, makes the process more enjoyable for your child. 

Not all methods of study work in the same way for all students. Improving math skills means completely different things from child to child. One learning type is not better than the other. It’s simply different ways of thinking, and consequently, of understanding. This is especially important to consider when it comes to math. With every math concept, there are hundreds of ways to express it. For example, some students may pick up on addition by seeing the written number and symbol. Others may need it explained in words. Others still may understand it best by touching and manipulating physical examples themselves. A combination of these may be the best approach. 

No matter what learning style works best for your child, there is a game to suit them. Students that lean towards visual and audio explanations will benefit the most from 2nd grade math online games. Meanwhile, physical learners may prefer toys and object examples to study with. Any student, though, can benefit from having fun while practicing math. 

Benefits of Online Math Games

Online math games are available anywhere, as long as you have a device capable of them. (Which, if you’re reading this article, you most likely do.) Your child is probably already
with online games and computers. Not only will your child practice 2nd grade math: online games will help reinforce basic computer skills as well. These will come in handy down the line. Computers certainly aren’t getting any less popular. If you can’t beat them, it might be wise to just get comfortable with them. (Especially since they’re in most workplaces nowadays. Start early!)

Benefits of Online Math Games

Games open math doors. They allow for different methods and approaches to improving math skills. Every game is going to be a little bit different. As such, every game will explain the math concept in a different way. This idea of various approaches to a single concept is helpful for learning any math skill. There is never one way to explain an idea in math. With the help of games and instruction, the right explanation is out there for your child.

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Online games may
hand-eye coordination. While this may not pertain specifically to math, there’s no denying that it’s an important skill. This improvement may help with simple things like writing and motor skills, which influences most—if not all—parts of your child’s day to day life. 

Your student probably likes playing games. We’ll even go out on a limb to say they like it quite a lot. This is especially when compared to completing a regular worksheet. Kids learn best when they truly enjoy what they are studying. This statement goes for anyone, and any subject. After all, it’s hard to want to learn about something if it’s a drag. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that playing a game will have the power to convince your child that math is the best subject on the planet. On the bright side, they at least won’t mind studying up. 

Online math games are available anywhere

While your child is searching for or playing math games online, browse with them a little bit before sending them off on their own. The internet has brought us lots of wonderful opportunities to learn and endless resources to draw from. However, not every resource is worth you and your child’s time. Be sure that the platform you are using is safe and appropriate for your child. There are ways to monitor and block out certain things that are unsuitable for your student. Do a little research before downloading anything to your phone or computer. Additionally, make sure that the game you have found is the right one for your child. The point of a math game is to improve their math skills and allow them to enjoy doing it. A balance of these goals in a game is ideal.

Argo Prep provides high-quality, trusted materials for your student. Consider signing up for access to their instructional videos, or browse their workbooks for effective and thorough physical math materials.