5 Benefits of Remote Learning

11 min read
5 Benefits of Remote Learning

Introduction: Remote Learning

The importance of having an excellent remote learning plan has become more critical in today’s society than it ever has been before.

COVID-19 has rocked the world with its social distancing requirements, and its highly contagious nature, forcing public and private schools to close.

Introduction Remote Learning


However, it is still important that our children get their education, so we have had to resort to alternate techniques, which have often come in the form of internet learning.

Even when distance learning isn’t mandatory, it is still highly beneficial for students for many different reasons.

Remote learning is a solution that works for students of all ages and walks of life. There are five huge benefits to implementing a remote learning plan in schools across the globe.

Classroom Flexibility

One of the most apparent benefits of remote learning is the flexibility of the classroom environment.

Each day, students can choose the area they complete their assignments in. This means that students who do well in quiet, solitary situations have the opportunity to do so without modifying the way the rest of the class operates.

This is especially helpful for kids who become overstimulated by the hustle and bustle of traditional class operations since it eliminates the risk of other students disrupting their schedule almost wholly.

that remote learning offers is also an excellent thing for the daily class agenda.
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Since less time is spent commuting, shuffling between classes, getting settled in, both students and teachers can focus on their daily workload alone.

The time that would typically be spent traveling can instead be reallocated for a quiet, reflective time that is essential to staying productive for the entire day.

This means that everyone has the advantage of being able to come to school and go throughout their day more energetic and ready to take on whatever comes their way.

Rather than spending an entire class period teaching a new subject and answering several questions, short courses online can be used instead.

Then, students can be given access to a forum to share any thoughts or questions they have with the class and the leader.

This means that teachers can provide the right amount of attention to each student. Scrolling through comments can give them an accurate feel for how the class is doing overall, and much quicker than a traditional class session could.

There is also the added benefit of students being able to review their classmates answered questions on the forum, leading to them understanding issues that they may have shared, but hadn’t thought to ask.

Short courses online are also a great solution for facilitating higher levels of class participation. Each student has a different and unique personality.

Some students thrive on the social aspect of learning and have no trouble at all participating in class discussions.

Others might be shy to contribute, which could hurt their success in school, since asking the right questions is crucial to understanding any new material.

Many students are also introverted, meaning that participating in highly-social class environments can be mentally draining to the point that class participation can hurt their grades in school.

Remote learning allows each student to express their input on a digital forum virtually.

The result?

A more well-rounded class participation experience that doesn’t alienate introverted students.

Student Freedom

Internet learning brings student freedom to an unprecedented level, and it does more in this area than allowing them to study wherever they want.

Another essential thing to consider about this method of teaching and learning is the time in which class is completed. 

Let’s face it: not everyone is a morning person. In fact, one study has shown that students retain more information between the hours of 11 AM and 9:30 PM.

Since public schools generally aim to start around 8 AM, it makes sense that some students might succeed better with class scheduled during later hours in the day.

Still, some students are highly productive in the morning, and some are more productive even later in the afternoon or evening.

Remote learning is the perfect solution to this scenario.

Since class sessions can be pre-recorded and assignments pre-loaded onto a class website, students have the freedom to choose not only where, but also when they choose to complete their tasks.

This means that they can select the time of day when they are feeling the most productive and motivated to do their assignments. This could positively impact their grades, engagement in-class activities, and even their morale.

Students who want to come in and learn are often the most successful in class, so implementing remote learning as a way to give students more power over their class day can lead to a higher-achieving student body overall.


Lower Overhead Costs

School buildings, buses, and other structures are an essential part of school infrastructure.

After all, making sure that students have transportation and a stable environment to work in is critical to their success in school.

Even though these resources are vital to in-person schooling, remote learning doesn’t require them at all. If these things were eliminated, schools could save a ton of overhead costs like utility bills and gas needs. 

The best part about this is that the same money can be reinvested back into the student body.

Assuming that a school’s budget doesn’t change much during the transition, these budget funds can be reallocated to enhancing each student’s online learning experience.

For example, instead of paying an electric bill at a large school building for a year, a new class curriculum that makes learning fun could be purchased alternatively.

Depending on the size of the student body and the available funds at a school, the latest technology, such as laptops, could also be purchased.

Specific arts and outreach programs could also be funded with savings from transitioning to a remote learning model.

Since students are learning from home, additional materials might be needed to help hands-on students who don’t work well on a computer.

Even if these more valuable resources don’t work for a school’s budget, that money can still be moved around to help students at home.

Other resources, such as workbooks and curriculum materials, might also be purchased. The more resources a child has, the more likely they are to find something that works for them.

Trying several different approaches to remote learning is essential in creating a thriving class website learning environment, so it’s never a bad idea to invest in a few different options until the right choice for each student is located.

Self-Paced Learning 

Just like each student has their own personality and preference, they also learn at their own pace. Even students who learn at an accelerated pace might need to spend more time on a particular section when learning than others.

In a traditional classroom, it might be difficult for students to find extra time to spend on specific aspects of instruction that they might not understand completely.

This is because teachers are often on strict schedules that require each student to meet specific benchmarks within a predetermined time frame. 

The problem with this approach is that some students need more support than others.

While a portion of the class might display a high level of mastery in a new section, some students might be struggling in different areas.

The great thing about remote learning is that these students are allowed to learn at their own pace.

Rather than following along with the class, students are given the full responsibility of absorbing the information provided to them without distractions or disruptions from their classmates.

This also means that students who already show great mastery in certain areas of a section can scan over these, and move on to content that is more intellectually stimulating for them and that best uses the time they spend in school.

Another great benefit of self-paced learning comes in the form of one-on-one interactions.

Since more students are allowed to move forward once they master a section, teachers have an easier time figuring out who needs more attention in their class.

Armed with this information, teachers can target students who have similar struggles and broadcast a group session, or they can conference with students for one-on-one support. 


Better Accessibility

Remote learning allows students with disabilities with better accessibility than brick-and-mortar schools might.

For example, kids who are wheelchair users won’t have to navigate busy halls or turn into narrow doorways. Instead, they can get the education they need from the comfort of their own home.

This can help reduce stress levels, which directly impacts the grades and morale that these kids have in school.


Final Thoughts on Remote Learning

Overall, remote learning has several benefits for both educators and students. Increased flexibility and freedom, lower overhead cost, self-paced learning, and accessibility are among the top benefits of implementing this system at school.

By choosing to introduce remote learning, schools can start putting more focus on the students, which could lead to higher graduation rates and more applications to colleges and trade schools all over the world.