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3 min read
Factors of 62
Introduction: A common problem for many people is losing weight. However, the best way to lose weight is to have a plan. A woman weighs 62 pounds over her ideal weight and wants to lose weight each week for the next several weeks until it is summer. Then she will feel good about getting into […]


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2 min read
Factors of 63
Introduction: Past high school data is being collected by a local city organization. The graduation years were divided among two clerks at the organization. The first clerk, Tommy, took the first 63 years, and Evelyn took the last 63 years. Each clerk had to spend time researching and gathering the data for each of those […]


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1 min read
Factors of 69
Introduction A man just turned 69 years old. It just so happens that every third of his life a major milestone takes place. The first milestone is when he got married. His second milestone is when his first grandchild was born. Now, this milestone will be when this man decides to retire. Use the factors […]


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3 min read
Factors of 74
Introduction You walk into a ballroom for couples’ ballroom dancing. You have invited 74 people to attend this ballroom dancing group. In order for this to be successful, you make sure that you have an equal number of men to women in this group. That way, everyone will be able to participate in the ballroom […]


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2 min read
Factors of 64
Introduction: An unknown amount of people will be visiting the visitor center near the state border. To welcome the visitors, the center provides juice to its visitors. The jugs of juice come in 64 ounces. So, many jugs are bought and refrigerated for future use. The procedure for the visitor center is for the visitor […]


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2 min read
Factors of 75
Introduction By the time people reach the age of 75, they have reached a milestone. Many people have retired from their careers. They are moving to Florida and playing golf. However, many organizations place ages in a range with 75 being at the end of one of those age ranges. Let’s look at these age […]


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1 min read
Factors of 70
Introduction Seventy students occupy a large lecture hall at a large university. Unfortunately, there are 70 students enrolled in this class and only 70 chairs for them to sit in. So, there are just enough chairs for the entire class. There are several different ways that the chairs could be arranged in rows. Using the […]


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4 min read
Factors of 76
Introduction The United States declared its independence in 1776. From the turn of the century to the time of this declarations, many events took place during these 76 years. There are probably too many to count. As a historian, Pete needs to create a timeline of events for these 76 years showing how these events […]



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