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1/2 as a decimal is 0.5
In the fraction 1/2 , the number 1 is
In the fraction 1/2 , the number 2 is
What is the equivalent fraction to 1/2?
The word ‘half’ is used to refer to the fraction that denotes one out of two parts.
The fraction that denotes ‘half’ or ‘one out of two’ is $$\frac12$$.
The fractions can also be written in decimal form with a decimal point.
To convert fractions to decimals, the numerator is divided by the denominator.
Carry out a long division.
Note that since 1 is not divisible by 2, we add a zero to make it 10.
The long division is carried out till we get 0 as the remainder.
So, here is the decimal form of :
$$\frac{\mathbf1}{\mathbf2}$$ is 0.5
Here are some common terms you should be familiar with. In the fraction $$\frac12$$, the number 1 is the dividend (our numerator) The number 2 is our divisor (our denominator).
Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.
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