What is 5/8 as a decimal?

2 min read
What is 5/8 as a decimal?

5/8 as a decimal is 0.625

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What is 5_8 as a decimal_ img2


  • Observe that the fraction is converted to its decimal form on the other side.
  • The number on the top of the fraction is called the numerator and the number at the bottom is the denominator.
  • Divide the numerator by the denominator using the long division method.
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Steps for division

  • Write the numerator 5 as the dividend and the denominator 8 as the divisor.
  • Since 8  > 5, place a decimal point in the quotient and add 0 to make it 50.
  • 8 divides 50 six times to give 48.
  • Subtract 48 from 50 to get the remainder 2.
  • As we have already added the decimal point, we can add 0 to 2 to make it 20.
  • 8 divides 20 two times to give 16.
  • Subtract 16 from 20 to get the remainder 4.
  • Add 0 again to make it 40.
  • 8 divides 40 five times to give 40.
  • Subtract 40 from 40 to get the remainder 0.

Hence the solution is 0.625.

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Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.

  • In the fraction $$\frac58$$, the number 5 is the dividend (our numerator)
  • The number 8 is our divisor (our denominator)

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