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7/8 as a decimal is 0.875
In the fraction 7/8 , the number 7 is
In the fraction 7/8 , the number 8 is
What is the equivalent fraction to 7/8?
Work out the fraction $$\frac78$$ using the following methods to write it as a decimal.
The long division method is very simple. All the fractions can be written as a division expression.
The numerator is divided by the denominator to get the decimal value of a fraction. Here 7 is the numerator and 8 is the denominator.
To make 7 divisible by 8, add 0 to 7 to make it 70. Remember to place a decimal point in the quotient when this is done.
As we get the remainder 0 in the third step, we cannot divide further.
The answer is 0.875.
The rule to directly convert a fraction to a decimal is
Here we have 8 in the denominator, to which 125 can be multiplied to get 1000. The same value should be multiplied by the numerator also as given below.
Here are some common terms you should be familiar with. In the fraction$$ \frac{7}{8}$$, the number 7 is the dividend (our numerator) The number 8 is our divisor (our denominator).
Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.
Also, in our blog, you can know about what is 5 /6 as a decimal.
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