Even and Odd Numbers on a Number Line
Even Numbers are amounts that can be exactly divided by two.
They are numbers that end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.
Here are some examples of even numbers:
2, 14, 16, 28, 40
Odd Numbers are amounts that cannot be exactly divided by two.
They are numbers that end in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.
Here are some examples of odd numbers:
1, 13, 25, 37, 49
If we put just even numbers on a number line, it would look something like this:
And if we put just odd numbers on a number line, it would look like this:
If we were to put both even and odd numbers on a number line together, the even and odd numbers would alternate. This means after every even number, there’s an odd number. And after every odd number, there’s an even number.
You can see this pattern on the number line below:
The even numbers are in blue and the odd numbers are in red.
Do you see how they alternate?
Spotting just the even numbers or just the odd numbers is a lot like Skip Counting by Two. When you start with one even number, to find the next even number, you add two.
And if you start with an odd number, to find the next odd number, you add two.
You can see it on this number line:
You can also think of an even number as an amount that can be equally shared between two people. Odd number amounts cannot be shared equally between two people. There’s always going to be one leftover.
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Practice Question 1
What numbers are in blue on this number line? Even or odd?
Practice Question 2
Take another look at that number line. What numbers are in red? Even or odd?
Practice Question 3
If you want to make a batch of cookies to share evenly with a friend, how many would you like to have? An even number or an odd number of cookies?
Practice Question 4
You know your even and odd numbers! Which numbers are missing from the chart below? Even numbers or odd numbers?
Practice Question 5
Last practice question!
Which numbers are missing from the chart below?
Even numbers or odd numbers?