Halves, Fourths, or Neither, Remix!

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This is a second five-question quiz in which students must decide whether the parts are equal. If the parts are equal, is the shape divided into halves or fourths? Students will quickly be able to show what they know about identifying halves and fourths. There are also a couple of “neither” included – one that is divided into eighths, and another that is in unequal parts.  This is a good, quick assessment!


This is a second five-question quiz in which students must decide whether the parts are equal. If the parts are equal, is the shape divided into halves or fourths? Students will quickly be able to show what they know about identifying halves and fourths. There are also a couple of “neither” included – one that is divided into eighths, and another that is in unequal parts.  This is a good, quick assessment!