Pirates Red Pepper Patterns

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Pirates Red Pepper and Avacado Guacamole have been fighting over these patterns all day! Can you help them by showing them the correct answers? All you’ll need to do is identify and write the pattern rules for these groups of numbers. Your help could keep these friends from a pirating battle that can only end in tacos! Wait… maybe it would be better to just let them finish? 😉 Tacos are the hidden treasure everyone wants!


Pirates Red Pepper and Avacado Guacamole have been fighting over these patterns all day! Can you help them by showing them the correct answers? All you’ll need to do is identify and write the pattern rules for these groups of numbers. Your help could keep these friends from a pirating battle that can only end in tacos! Wait… maybe it would be better to just let them finish? 😉 Tacos are the hidden treasure everyone wants!