Place Value with Hundreds, Tens, and Onions

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You don’t have to be a veggie person to love this worksheet, but it might help! Students will place the digits from three-digit numbers in the categories they each belong to. This resource gives them practice with each place from onions – (oops! we mean ones!) to hundreds. We suggest not using anything sharp near this worksheet – we’d hate to cut the onions and make anyone cry!

ISBN: N/A Grade: 2nd grade Subject:Math (2nd grade)


You don’t have to be a veggie person to love this worksheet, but it might help! Students will place the digits from three-digit numbers in the categories they each belong to. This resource gives them practice with each place from onions – (oops! we mean ones!) to hundreds. We suggest not using anything sharp near this worksheet – we’d hate to cut the onions and make anyone cry!