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These first-grade addition worksheets by ArgoPrep are free and easily downloadable. They are a great way for first graders to practice math skills they are learning and to demonstrate their understanding. These addition worksheets were created by teachers and follow the standards of what students should be working on. Students will have the opportunity to use and learn all of the addition strategies they need to be successful in first grade math.
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These first-grade addition worksheets are an excellent choice for use in any classroom or learning situation. First graders will use what they have learned and practice their skills with these excellent worksheets that are free to download. The worksheets are created by teachers and follow the standards of what first graders should be learning and set a foundation for their math for years to come. Students will work on their addition facts and grow in their ability and understanding of math. These excellent worksheets will help students feel confident and successful when they have completed them. Building on their skills as they go, these worksheets will be will be everything you need to have students practice what they are learning in an addition to going from single-digit addition to double-digit and beyond. These worksheets are quick and easy to download so students can get to work right away!