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These free worksheets by ArgoPrep take the skill of adding doubles and challenge students to take it further by adding doubles plus 2. Students then have the opportunity to practice until they are proficient with this addition strategy. Students will be able to take a problem like double 3 plus 2 and determine that the answer is 8. This is a great strategy for students to use for quick addition of numbers. First grade students will be able to practice this skill with this downloadable worksheet.
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This adding doubles plus 2 worksheets, for first graders, builds on previous worksheets and takes the skills a step further by having students add two after doubling a number. For example, 2 doubled is 4, plus 2 is 6. Or 3 doubled is 6, plus 2 is 8. The use of this addition strategy is much quicker than using a number line or blocks to answer 3+5. Since students have already learned about adding doubles, adding two on is just an additional step. Download this free worksheet by ArgoPrep gives students the chance to practice their skills with doubles and adding on two. Students will get better and better at this skill as they practice and demonstrate their understanding.