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Grade-one students will use number bonds sum 10 in these worksheets. These pictorial addition problems show part-part-whole in a different way than other addition problems. This method helps students learn the relationships between numbers adding to ten, as well as making them familiar with subtraction problems using the same numbers. These teacher-created worksheets by ArgoPrep will help students improve their skills and speed with addition.
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This grade-one worksheet by ArgoPrep will have students working with number bonds that have a sum of 10 such as 7, 3, and 10, or 8, 2, and 10. Using this part-part-whole method and a pictorial representation helps students visually see the relationship between numbers that add to ten, as well as the subtraction problems that are related. These teacher-created worksheets will have students growing their skills with addition, including their speed and accuracy, as they continue to practice their math facts. Number-bonds strengthen students' understanding of math processes and fact families, which help them with subtraction and later with multiplication and division facts. Grade-one students will practice their skills or demonstrate their understanding of number-bonds with the use of these worksheets. This excellent resource is easily downloadable and free for use in any learning situation and will benefit students understanding of math.