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First-grade students will continue working on number-bonds, this time with number bonds sum 8, with these worksheets from ArgoPrep. Number-bonds are a great way for students to see the problem more visually because it is in a part-part-whole context. This helps students to become more proficient with their addition facts and helps increase their speed and accuracy. This teacher-created worksheet will give students the practice they need to give an upgrade to their addition skills.
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Grade-one students will practice number-bonds with a sum of eight in this worksheet from ArgoPrep. This worksheet will help students practice their addition facts, which will help them to become quicker at completing addition problems. Number-bonds are a great way for students to become quicker and more accurate in completing addition problems. This worksheet was created by teachers and is an excellent resource for grade-one students to grow in their arithmetic skills. Number-bonds will help students see the relationships between numbers that add to eight, such as 2, 6, and 8, or 6, 2, and 8. The subtraction facts are also easily seen in this context because students can see that 8-2=6 and 8-6=2 when they look at number-bonds which familiarizes them with fact families which are the related subtraction and addition problems. Students will love working with these number-bonds and having the opportunity to practice and show their understanding.