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This worksheet from ArgoPrep is for first graders learning about using number lines 3 numbers. This worksheet, downloadable below, covers the use of three numbers on number lines. This worksheet is created by teachers and teaches first graders all that they need to know about number lines to have a good foundation for future lessons. This free worksheet is great for students who are practicing. Or students can demonstrate their understanding with this worksheet.
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This worksheet builds on what first graders have learned about addition with number lines and continues to increase understanding by having them work with three numbers this time. This time they will work on addition problems with three addends. Students will continue to expand their knowledge of number lines with this free and easily downloadable worksheet by ArgoPrep. First graders will love the chance to practice their skills with number lines and to show their understanding of how to use them. This worksheet is created by teachers and meets the standards of what first graders should be learning about in math, so they will have a solid foundation for future grade levels. Download this worksheet today for use in all learning situations so students can get to work with learning about number lines! Students will be able to grow in this area and be prepared for future, more challenging lessons, using number lines.