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This worksheet by ArgoPrep is for first graders and has them working with number lines to add double-digit numbers. Students will start on the first addend on the number line and jump forward on the number line the number of spaces needed to add the second addend to find the answer. Download this free worksheet, that was created by teachers, below so students can begin learning and practicing working with number lines. This will help first graders have a solid foundation with number-lines that will prepare them for their future math learning.
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This number lines worksheet is for first graders to learn all about using number lines with addition problems. Students will work on adding double-digit numbers together by beginning on the first addend and then moving up the number line the number of spaces from the second addend. This method of solving addition problems helps students to check their accuracy or solve more challenging addition problems with the use of a number line. This worksheet by ArgoPrep is created by teachers and teaches to the standards that students need to learn in math. Number lines are used in many grade levels in math, so it is important that first graders have a solid foundation in the use of number lines. First graders will learn about the purpose of using number lines with addition and practice this skill. Download this worksheet so students can show their understanding of number lines then move on to the next worksheets for further practice opportunities. Students will love this chance to show how much they know about using number lines!