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This worksheet by Argo prep is all about addition. This first-grade worksheet has students taking another speed challenge test with single digit addition. Learning the addition facts is important for first graders because this improves their speed and accuracy with all math processes in the future. Then they will move on to adding up objects and working out addition problems on the second page. Download this teacher-created worksheet today because it will strengthen first graders addition skills!
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These worksheets by ArgoPress are full of addition and counting of objects. On the first page, grade-one students will race to demonstrate their talent with the addition of single-digit numbers in a speed challenge and then they will move on to working with adding up objects on the second page to continue their practice and review. It is so important that grade-one students are strong on their addition facts because subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. are all related and students will learn them better when they have a good foundation with addition. Students will also no longer need to use strategies, such as counting objects or number lines to solve basic addition problems, because they will already know the answers. Students will get to practice and demonstrate that they know their addition facts with this worksheet. In addition, they will love the challenge of racing to solve these problems with this teacher-created worksheet.