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This worksheet by ArgoPrep is all about counting and numbers! Students will challenge themselves to find the missing numbers in the hundred's chart and look for patterns in the numbers while they work. This worksheet is excellent for helping students establish their understanding of number patterns, which will help them grow their skills with working with numbers. This teacher-created worksheet helps students with learning the standards they need to learn during this year, which will set them up for future years in math.
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Grade-one students will love this opportunity to work with numbers and count to 100. Grade-one students will work to fill in numbers in the hundred's chart as well as look for patterns in the numbers as they do. Learning about patterns in the numbers will really help students in remembering their numbers and understanding how they work. First graders will practice working with number charts which will help them learn patterns with numbers. This foundational understanding of numbers will then help them with addition facts, subtraction facts, multiplication facts, division facts, and more. Teachers created this worksheet according to the standards of what first graders should be learning in order to set them up for success with math in the future. Numbers are the very foundation of math and understanding how they work and relate with each other, is necessary for building a solid foundation. Download this worksheet today so students can practice and grow their skills with numbers!