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This teacher-created worksheet by ArgoPrep is an excellent resource for grade-one students who are learning about counting coins. Students will work with pictures of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters and add up the coins that are pictured. As they work through the page, they will become solid in knowing what each coin is worth. This worksheet is a great way for grade-one students to practice adding, counting money and deciding what coins to use when asked to pay a certain amount.
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This ArgoPrep worksheet is geared towards having grade-one students counting money. The worksheet includes pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters this time and gives students multiple opportunities to count up various coins. The problems show some drawings of coins, such as a quarter, two dimes and a penny, and students are asked to add them up. Students are also given a few problems where they have to choose and draw their own coins to add up to a certain amount, for example, what coins can be used to add up to 12 cents? This will challenge the students' adding and reasoning skills as they work to add up coins and determine which coins will add up to the specified amount in the last two problems. This worksheet is an excellent way to practice the skills grade-one students need to know. It will also help them when they want to buy something small to be able to use what they've learned to give the correct amount of coins to purchase something on their own.