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This worksheet by ArgoPrep is all about comparing fractions for grade-one students. The worksheet focuses on 1/2 and 1/4 to help students work with fractions they are probably already familiar with in the beginning. Students will compare drawings with a fractional part to see if it is accurate. Students will also complete a word problem using fractions. This worksheet is an excellent way for grade-one students to begin working with and learning about fractions!
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Here is another worksheet by ArgoPrep for grade-one students to practice using their emerging skills with fractions. This worksheet will cover the use of 1/2 and 1/4 and has students evaluating drawings to see if they are accurate and using their reasoning skills with word problems involving fractions. This worksheet is an excellent way for grade-one students to demonstrate their understanding of fractions, and to practice working with them. This worksheet is right in line with what first graders should be learning about comparing fractions since this worksheet was created by teachers and follows the grade-level math standards. Grade-one students will show they know the difference between one-half of an object and one-fourth. This worksheet will help students practice what they know about the fractions 1/2 and 1/4 and will prepare them for learning even more in the future! Download this fraction worksheet today!