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This grade-one worksheet by ArgoPrep is all about fractions and reasoning skills. The worksheet continues on with fractions, however this time, students will show the work that led them to their answers and explain the reasoning behind them. This worksheet will challenge students' understanding of fractions and really show what they know when they work to justify the answer they gave. When students can explain the fractions to another person, they show they understand it themselves. This worksheet will allow them to do just that.
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This worksheet by ArgoPress has grade-one students comparing fractions and justifying their answers. Grade-one students will need to understand basic fractions on this worksheet and will have multiple opportunities to practice what they have learned about fractions like 1/2 and 1/4. Students will need to be able to justify, or give an explanation for, the answer that they gave on this worksheet. Justifying, or explaining their answers will prove that students understand the problem and know what the fractions represent. This is an excellent way for students to demonstrate understanding prior to moving on and learning about more challenging fractions. These worksheets are designed by teachers and set students up for success in the future by having them learn all that they need to know in first grade. Download this worksheet and students can get busy working with fractions and showing what they know!