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This ArgoPrep worksheet will have students counting objects, drawing objects, writing the word form of a number, or writing the numerical form of the number. This is a great way for grade-one students to review their numbers and learn how to spell the numbers as they write them in word form. This worksheet is a great way for grade-one students to practice and review writing their numbers in written, word, or picture form. Download the worksheet below to get started!
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Grade-one students will practice what they know about numbers in this worksheet by ArgoPrep. Students will be asked to create drawings representing particular numbers, write the number in words for a particular number and write out the number that corresponds to the picture that is on the worksheet. For example, students will draw a picture of the number 21, with 21 strawberries in a field. Then they will fill in the blanks in a chart showing a number of diamond shapes to represent a number, the number form of the number and then the word form of the number. Each time a different column is blank and the students will be required to fill it in with the correct form of the corresponding number. This is a great way for students to practice with a number like 35 by counting the objects (or drawing them if the space is blank), writing the number 35, or writing thirty-five. Download this worksheet today so grade-one students can show they know their numbers!