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This ArgoPrep worksheet is all about number patterns and counting and is for grade-one students. Being skilled with counting and learning number patterns is important for first graders as they will use numbers in math all throughout school. This worksheet will help them to improve their understanding of number patterns and practice makes perfect! Download the worksheet below so grade-one students can work on their understanding of numbers!
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This number patterns and counting worksheet for grade-one students by ArgoPrep is a great way for students to sharpen their skills with numbers. Numbers are the foundation for mathematics and knowing number patterns will give grade-one students a greater understanding of math processes and help them to increase their speed with adding and subtracting and later on with multiplication and division. This worksheet is a great resource for building students' knowledge of number patterns as well as their speed, accuracy, and overall number sense. This worksheet is excellent for review, assessment, or practice and is ready for first graders to use in any learning situation to improve and increase their skills with number patterns. This free, downloadable worksheet was created by teachers and is right in line with what grade-one students should be learning this year. Download the worksheet above and students can get started right away!