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This excellent resource by ArgoPrep will feel like a game, but help grade-one students practice their numbers to one hundred. This worksheet is a hundred's chart with missing numbers in it that students need to discover and fill in. First graders won't even realize they are working to review their numbers as they complete this worksheet. Download this free, teacher-created worksheet today so students can get right to work practicing with numbers to one hundred!
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This worksheet by ArgoPrep will have grade-one students showing their understanding of number patterns. Students will learn more about the patterns in the number charts as they fill in the blanks on this hundred's chart. This worksheet is teacher-created and works to help grade-one students build their skills with numbers as they work to fill in the missing numbers. Students will work to fill in the rest of the numbers, but might even feel like they are completing a puzzle! Reviewing and increasing speed with numbers will help grade-one students as they progress in their math lessons. Student's understanding of number sequencing will grow as they practice working with the numbers in the hundred's chart. Grade-one students will appreciate this opportunity to show how much they know about numbers with this easily downloadable and free worksheet that was created by teachers. Download the worksheet above and students can get started right away!