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This worksheet by ArgoPrep is all about numbers and patterns! Grade-one students will love looking for the pattern in this input-output chart where they have to find the pattern between the numbers. A formula is added to the input number and you get the output number. Some of the numbers are missing, and once students know the formula, they can discover the missing numbers. This worksheet is excellent for growing skills with number patterns!
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This input-output chart by ArgoPrep will have grade-one students think they aren't even working because this puzzle-like worksheet will be so fun to complete! Students will work to discover the number pattern and fill in the blanks according to the pattern the chart uses and thus answer the problems. The input number might be a number like 5 and the output number might be 10. What is the number used to find the output? Hint: If you add 5 to each input number, you will have solved the answer to the blanks on the chart. The next chart will use different numbers and a unique pattern for students to discover. This number patterns worksheet is teacher created and is an excellent way for grade-one students to continue to learn and practice their skills with numbers and patterns. Download the free worksheet above and first graders can get right to work on learning and growing their skills with number patterns!