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This worksheet will have grade-one students telling the time on a clock and then drawing in the hands on an adjacent clock with the time being an hour later. This worksheet will assess if students remember which hand is which and are able to draw their own clocks to show the correct time. In addition, they will need to determine what time it will be an hour after the original time. This worksheet is a great way for students to show what they have learned thus far and to demonstrate that they are ready for more.
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This worksheet by ArgoPrep will take telling time to the next level with grade-one students telling the time on the first clock and then drawing the hands on the clocks to show time an hour later on a second blank clock. This worksheet is an excellent opportunity for students to show they understand how to draw the hands on the clock appropriately i.e. that the hour hand is the shorter hand and should be on the hour and the minute hand (the longer hand) should be pointed to the 12. First graders will also be able to show they understand what comes an hour later than the current time by showing the time in an hour. The challenges this worksheet brings will really show that students are ready to move on to learning more after they show their skills with this worksheet. This worksheet is an excellent way to review, practice, and assess learning with grade-one students and telling time to the hour.