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This ArgoPrep worksheet for grade one has students drawing their own clocks and telling time to the half-hour. Previously students have learned the basics about telling time such as the meaning of the hands on the clock and how to tell time to the hour. This worksheet has grade-one students moving on to practice telling time to the half-hour in addition to drawing their own clocks. This worksheet is an excellent resource for helping grade-one students learn what they need to learn about telling time!
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This ArgoPrep worksheet will have first-grade students telling time to the half-hour and drawing their own clocks. This worksheet is a great way for students to practice, review, or be assessed on their skills with telling time to the hour and the half-hour. This worksheet is excellent for grade-one students to show their skills with telling time by not only telling the time but also going a step further by drawing their own clocks. When students draw the hands on the clocks, they will show they really know how to tell time to the half-hour by having to create their own clocks. This worksheet is teacher-created and will set first graders up for success with telling time and they will have a solid foundation preparing them for more challenging lessons in the future. Download this free ArgoPrep resource today and first graders can get right to work on practicing telling time to the half-hour!