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This worksheet by ArgoPrep has grade-one students working on telling time to the half-hour. This worksheet is a great way for students who have been practicing reading the hour of the clock to now use those skills and go a step further to tell time to the half-hour. First graders will read the hour and the minute hands will be at the half-hour. This worksheet will be just what students need to learn and practice how to tell time to the half-hour.
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Grade-one students will begin working with telling time to the half-hour on this worksheet by ArgoPrep. This worksheet will take first-grade students from knowing how to tell time to the hour, to also knowing how to tell time to the half-hour. This worksheet is a great way for students to continue growing in their understanding of telling time incrementally and will prepare them for learning what the rest of the numbers on the clock represent. This worksheet is a great practice, review, or assessment of student's skills with telling time to the half-hour. This teacher-created worksheet is exactly what grade-one students should be learning about to have them meeting math standards and to prepare them for future lessons. Students will appreciate learning how to tell time and being able to find out what time it is for themselves and not having to ask someone else! Download this worksheet today and students can get right to work!