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This ArgoPrep worksheet introduces another addition method to second-grade students: adding using like units. Grade-two students will see how quick and accurate they can be when they use this method. First, they will break down numbers into the tens and the ones. Then they will add the tens, then the ones, and then add the remaining numbers together to get the final answer. This method is another great option for second-graders when adding larger numbers.
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This ArgoPrep worksheet will have grade-two students adding using like units. Second-grade students will practice a technique where they break up addends into tens and ones and then add the units that are the same (tens to tens and ones to ones). For instance, 75+20 is the same as 70+5+20. Knowing this, 70+20 is easily added to make 90, and then adding the ones in makes the total 95. In another example: 37+22 is the same as 30+7+20+2. First, add the tens -30+20=50. Then add the ones - 7+2=9. Then put them together for the answer - 50+9=59. This method of solving addition problems makes it easy for students to quickly add larger numbers without having to use traditional methods of addition. Download this worksheet today and students can begin learning to use this technique and have more options for solving addition problems. This is another excellent teacher-created resource for grade-two students!