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Second-graders will love working on these real-life like word problems using addition. Working on word problems will challenge students to decide for themselves what the math problem is that they need to solve to find the answer to the question. Students will see how they can use math in their own lives to solve problems they might encounter. This worksheet is an excellent resource by ArgoPrep for students learning about word problems and how to solve them.
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This ArgoPrep worksheet will have second-graders completing word problems that might remind them of situations they have experienced in their own lives. This worksheet will have students completing problems involving using addition with sums up to 1000. Students will need to pay close attention to what the question is asking for, what the important numbers are, and decide how the problem should be solved (i.e. addition, subtraction, etc.). Word problems are a great practical way for students to see that the math they learn in the classroom is also of use to them in their everyday life. Second-grader students will encounter word problems all throughout their school years and this worksheet is a great way for students to begin to practice working with the skills they need to solve these types of problems. Download this free worksheet and students can get to work learning how to complete word problems right away!