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The second-grade ArgoPrep worksheet below has three-digit numbers added to two-digit numbers without the need for regrouping. This worksheet is a great way for students to practice working with numbers that are just a bit larger than before and practice the skills they need to complete the addition problems. This worksheet is a great way for second-grade students to continue practicing addition with multiple-digit numbers.
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The process of adding three-digit and two-digit numbers together will be reviewed in this worksheet by ArgoPrep for second graders. This worksheet is a great way for second-grade students to review and practice skills they have previously learned in preparation for more challenging lessons to come. Second-graders have recently worked on adding two double-digit numbers together, and will see that these addition problems are nearly the same, just a bit larger. Second graders will add numbers like 205 plus 32, and will not need to regroup this time. Despite the larger number, students will see that the steps in these problems are the same as other addition problems. This free and easily downloadable worksheet is teacher-created and is excellent for review, practice, or as an assessment to see how well students are doing. Download this worksheet today and second-grade students can get to work adding three-digit and two-digit numbers.