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This ArgoPrep worksheet is going to have second-grade students adding with multiple addends within 200. This worksheet is excellent for teaching second-graders about adding three addends together. Download the worksheet below and students can get to work completing these addition problems with three addends. Students can use this worksheet to practice, review, or show their ability to add with three addends. This worksheet is free great for use in any learning situation.
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This ArgoPrep worksheet for second graders will have students adding with three addends. Second graders will add the first two addends and then add the total to the third addend. Though this problem might look more challenging, students will quickly see that the addition problem is like two problems in one. For example, students will add three addends, such as 9+8+3. 9+8=15 and 15+3=18. When completed in two steps like this, these problems are just like completing two addition problems. This worksheet is a great way to introduce students to adding with multiple addends. This worksheet is a great way for students to practice new skills while reviewing their adding skills at the same time. This worksheet is teacher-designed and right what second grade students should be learning about to progress in their math learning. This worksheet is easily downloadable and ready for use in any learning situation.