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This ArgoPrep worksheet for second-grade students is about dividing shapes into halves. Students will divide shapes into equal parts by using lines of symmetry so there are two halves. Students will practice decomposing shapes into halves in different ways. This worksheet gives students foundational knowledge about fractions as they divide shapes. Download the worksheet below and second-grade students can begin practicing decomposing shapes into halves.
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Decomposing shapes into halves is what this second-grade ArgoPrep worksheet is about. Second-grade students will work on drawing lines of symmetry to equally divide shapes up into two symmetrical or equal parts. As students divide shapes into equal parts, even in multiple different ways, they will be practicing working with fractions and dividing shapes into fractional parts. As they do this, they are learning foundational skills that will help them in the future as they learn more about fractions. In addition, students can practice finding lines of symmetry in different ways, such as in a square one could divide it down the middle from top to bottom, or in the middle from side to side, or from the top right corner to the bottom left. This worksheet is excellent for practice, review, and/or assessment of understanding. Download this free and teacher-created worksheet today to get started working right away.