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These coin worksheets for 2nd grade will have students learning all they need to know about working with coins! Students need to have a good foundation with coins to understand how to use them and this ArgoPrep worksheet will do just that. Students will learn how to identify each coin by its size and color, know what each is worth, and practice counting up coins. This worksheet will help second-grade students know all they need to know to be able to compare coins!
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These ArgoPrep coin worksheets for 2nd grade will have second-grade students learning all about coins. They will work at identifying different coins, counting them, adding them up, deciding what coin to use to pay for items, adding up coins, and completing various other similar tasks using money. This worksheet is an excellent resource for students learning all about different coins from pennies to one-dollar coins so they can recognize their different sizes and colors. In addition, students will be able to compare the value of various coins to understand their differences. These worksheets will have second-graders exploring many different aspects of using coins in preparation for knowing how to use money in real-life situations. Second-graders can use this free teacher-created worksheet to explore, review, or practice various concepts with money. Download the above worksheet to get started!