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These one's place value 2nd-grade worksheets will help second-grade students learn more about place value. This worksheet will help students practice finding the correct place value of the numbers and have them practice writing numbers in the expanded form. This worksheet will help second-graders know the value of the numbers based on their positioning in the number. Download the worksheet below to get started!
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One's place value 2nd-grade worksheets by ArgoPrep will have second-grade students learning all about place value! Download this worksheet and grade-two students will be challenged to see what numbers are in the one's place. Students will need to differentiate between the ones, tens, and hundred's places to understand their value and when writing numbers in their expanded form. This worksheet will help students practice or review working with place value and help them learn the difference between the values of the numbers based on their placement. Students will know that the number on the furthest right is the ones place, the next number to the left is the tens place and the third number is the hundreds. This worksheet will help students practice writing numbers in expanded form. For example, 543 is 500 plus 40 and 3 ones in expanded form. This worksheet will help second-graders practice one's place value!