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This ArgoPrep worksheet will have second-grade students working on subtraction within 200. Download the worksheet below and grade-two students can show how much they have learned about subtraction while completing this worksheet that will challenge them to subtract larger numbers. This worksheet is a great way for students to review and practice subtraction while stretching themselves to work with numbers that are within 200.
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This ArgoPrep worksheet for second-grade students is all about subtraction within 200 worksheets. The numbers in this worksheet are getting a bit larger, but don't let that scare you! Each problem uses the same basic subtraction facts and requires the same skills students have used on other subtraction worksheets and they have had a lot of practice with that already. This worksheet is excellent for second-grade students to grow their skills with subtraction problems all while improving their accuracy and speed with completing these problems. Practice and review of these skills keeps them fresh and students will do just that with this ArgoPrep worksheet. Download this free teacher-created worksheet today and second-grade students can get to work with practicing subtraction within 200 immediately! This worksheet is great to use for extra review, practice, and even assessment before moving on to new concepts!