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These tiling worksheets grade 3 will help third-graders learn more about finding the area of rectangular objects. Students will divide the object into equal squares based on the length of the sides. Once they have made the squares to fill the object, they can count each one to determine the area or the space on the inside of the object. Download this worksheet to have third-graders begin practicing this method of finding area today!
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These tiling worksheets grade 3 by ArgpPrep will help students learn about finding the area of objects. Students will neatly and evenly draw tiles or squares inside of an object based on the length of its sides. When they have the object filled with equal-sized tiles, third-graders can then count them up to show the area of the object. This beginning finding area method can help students understand what they are doing when they find area, rather than just teaching them how to determine it the traditional way (length times witdth). As students work to create tiles for an object, they will be able to viusalize what area is by tiling rectangles and they will be learning about measurement, geometry and finding area at the same time. Download this free teacher-created worksheet to have third-grade students begin working on tiling objects to determine their area. This worksheet is excellent for practice or review..