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Skip Counting Worksheets for Grade 3 will have students reviewing skip counting and increasing their accuracy with multiplication at the same time. Download this ArgoPrep worksheet and third-graders can practice working multiples in order to review the answers to multiplication facts. Since multiplication is just repeated addition, the more students practice multiples, the more they will be familiar with the answers to multiplication problems. Knowing the multiplication facts gives them the skills they need to complete problems with ease.
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Skip Counting Worksheets for Grade 3 will have third-graders reviewing skip counting. Skip counting helps students get prepared for learning multiplication facts and it will increase their familiarity with the numbers in each category. Practicing counting by 3s, for example, reviews multiples of three and help students with memorizing the multiplication facts for 3s. Skip counting by 3s is 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc. Multiplying by 3s is 3x1=3, 3X2=6, 3X3=9, 3X4=12, and 3X5=15, which are the same numbers as the skip counting numbers were. Skip counting is quick, fun, and helps students learn and review the multiplication facts so they can complete multiplication problems with speed and accuracy. Download this free teacher-created worksheet by ArgoPrep so third-graders can get started working on skip counting today and they can work on their number sense and multiplication facts at the same time!