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These round to the nearest hundred worksheets grade 3 are excellent for students learning about rounding correctly. It is important that students know when to round up and when to round down and sufficient practice of this skill will help them remember what needs to be done. This worksheet will have students rounding numbers like 345 and focusing on the tens place to determine if they round up or down. Numbers with 50 or above in the tens place will go up and anything lower will go down. 345 would round down to 300.
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These round to the nearest hundred worksheets grade 3 are excellent practice for third-graders learning about rounding numbers. Rounding numbers is a way for students to estimate the answer to a problem using numbers that are close to the original but that are easier to work with. For instance, if someone asked you to add 535 plus 789 using mental math, it would be challenging, but rounding helps give an estimate that is close to the correct answer. 535 would round down to 500 and 789 would round up to 800, then you add 500 plus 800 to get 1300. The actual answer is 1324, which is close to the answer found by rounding. Students