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These advanced problems worksheets for grade four are an excellent way to challenge fourth graders to use many skills they have learned in the past to work with real-world problems. These worksheets will have students using multiplication, addition, division, or subtraction to solve problems that will use real-lifelike problems and give them an idea about how math can be used in their lives. These advanced problems worksheets for fourth grade are ready for students to use today!
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These advanced problems worksheets for grade four will challenge students to work with algebraic thinking and stretch their understanding of mathematics with real-world type word problems. Fourth-grade students will be using higher-order thinking skills to solve problems that might involve addition, subtraction, division, or multiplication. The variety of skills needed to solve these story problems will keep students engaged and stretch their abilities as well as giving them the opportunity to review skills they might not have practiced recently. These worksheets will help students prepare for learning more algebraic skills in the near future as well. Download this excellent ArgoPrep worksheet to have fourth-grade students work on advanced problems and grow their understanding of mathematics at the same time! Download this free and teacher-created worksheet today to get started immediately.