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These grade 4 pictograph worksheets are just the ticket for fourth graders learning about graphing and data! Pictographs display the data with symbols and students will read the graph, evaluate the data, and answer questions about the graphs on these worksheets. Download this worksheet to have students work with data and practice their skills with graphing. This ArgoPrep worksheet is an excellent resource and are free for download today!  
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These grade-four pictograph worksheets are all about graphing and data! Students have learned about gathering data and graphing using various methods in the past. Some types of graphs they have learned about are bar graphs and line graphs. Pictographs are a type of picture graph that use symbols to represent the number for the data that is being graphed. Students will have the chance to answer questions about the graphs and evaluate the data that is shown to display their understanding of these graphs. These worksheets are excellent for fourth-grade students learning and practicing working with data and graphing and gives them a new type of graph to work with. Using real-world examples and data that is similar to what they might see in real-life, these worksheets are excellent for fourth graders who area learning all about graphing and data. Download this worksheet to get started reviewing and practicing today!