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These ArgoPrep 4th grade math addition worksheets are just what your fourth-grade students need! Students might have been solving addition problems for a while now, but they always need to review and continue working on those skills and this worksheet is just the ticket to help them do that! Download this worksheet below to have fourth-grade students work on different types of addition problems and show their expertise with addition!
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These 4th-grade math addition worksheets are excellent for review, practice, or assessment. These worksheets might include missing addends which require the students to determine the missing addend with the knowledge of the answer, such as with 54+__=60. This can be solved by subtraction or adding up to the answer. Or students might be asked to solve problems using mental math. Or fourth-graders might even be asked to solve addition problems with whole tens or hundreds as an addend, such as 50+65 or 100+32. This ArgoPrep worksheet is excellent for fourth graders who are growing their skills in math and needing to keep reviewing the skills they have learned in the past even as they are learning new math skills. This worksheet is teacher-created and ready for download right away! Download the above worksheet to have fourth-grade students get to working on addition problems for fourth grade!