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These 4th-grade number sense worksheets are just what students need to review what they have learned about numbers and test their skills with number sense. Having a solid awareness of math concepts will help students greatly as they continue to move forward in math and no matter where they are in their math knowledge, this worksheet will address many key concepts. Download this worksheet today to have fourth-graders work on their number sense.
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These 4th-grade number sense worksheets will challenge students with a variety of problems meant to test their number sense with place value. Number sense is the term meant to reference a student's understanding of numbers and the different types of calculations that are made with them. Students might be asked to round numbers to a certain place value, find equivalent fractions, read and write whole numbers, or compare two numbers using greater than, less than, or equal symbols. Having a solid number sense is important and this ArgoPrep worksheet will help fourth-graders review and practice concepts that they need to understand about numbers and the operations that can be done with them. Download this free worksheet to review, practice, or assess and get a sense of what your fourth grader understands about numbers! This worksheet will bring fourth-grade students up to speed with their number sense!