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These 5th grade decimals worksheets by ArgoPrep are ready for fifth-grade students to practice or review working with decimals. Decimals are part of a whole, similar to fractions, they are just written in a different manner. Students will perform many tasks with decimals that will help them with comparing, combining and ordering them based on value, and more! Download this worksheet to begin and grow your skills with decimals for fifth graders!
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5th-grade decimals worksheets by ArgoPrep are just what your fifth-grade students need to learn more about decimals. Decimals are essentially a fraction of a number and using place value can help you understand the value of the digits. From there, you can complete many different math processes with them and these worksheets are a great way to get started. These worksheets cover all the bases with decimals, including rounding, comparing and contrasting, ordering based on the place value, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, etc. The more students practice working with decimals, the better they understand their value. Since decimals are found all over, including money, it is important that students have a solid grasp on how to work with them. These worksheets are created by teachers, free, and ready for download today! Download this worksheet to have fifth-graders review or practice working with decimals!