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These fractions worksheets for fifth-grade are an amazing resource for your fifth-grade student. Giving students the additional support and practice that ArgoPrep worksheets provide will help them to keep up with their learning and set a solid math foundation for future learning in years to come! Practicing their skills with fractions will help students with learning about adding, subtracting, multiplying, and more!
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These fractions worksheets for fifth-grade students are just what your fifth-grade student need to grow their skills with fractions. These worksheets might have students adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, or even finding equivalent fractions! Students might also encounter mixed numbers which are fractions that have a whole number as well as a fraction, such as 5 and 1/4. Real-life type word problems are also included as students will use fractions in life, such as with cooking or finding the length and width of an object, and these problems will challenge them to learn how to solve them. As students grow their skills with fractions, they will encounter more difficult problems and fifth-grade fractions problems are no exception, however, this resource will help them with the practice they need. Download this excellent teacher-created resource today to have students begin growing their skills with fifth-grade fractions concepts today!