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This ArgoPrep worksheet is an excellent opportunity for grade-one students to show what they have been learning with 2D and 3D shapes and fractions. First graders will have the chance to draw shapes, circle shapes, and cut shapes into separate fractional parts. This worksheet covers it all! Download this free worksheet today and students can review previous learning and show all that they know about fractions and shapes!
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This worksheet for grade-one students by ArgoPrep is a review or quiz of different concepts, while using geometrical shapes. Students will have the opportunity to test their memory of what these shapes look like and to draw them. First graders will also work on a few problems where they will divide shapes up into equal fractional parts. Students will evaluate shapes and circle the shapes that are specifically named in an object. Grade-one students will enjoy working on a variety of problems in this worksheet and get the chance to show how much they have been learning this school year! This worksheet is created by teachers and is an excellent opportunity for students to review previous learning with both fractions and different types of shapes. Download this free worksheet today and students can get to work demonstrating their learning and practicing their skills with cylinders, spheres, cones and rectangular prisms.