Go Math Grade 8 vs. ArgoPrep Grade 8 Workbooks

10 min read
Go Math Grade 8 vs. ArgoPrep Grade 8 Workbooks


As your child progresses through their academic career, concepts will continually become more complex with each year.

Gone are the days of elementary math where it was easy to identify a problem and help your child solve them.

Many schools allow 8th graders to opt into higher-level math classes, preparing them for their high school career and beyond, and with high school and beyond on the horizon, now is the best time to begin thinking about the best ways to maximize support at home for math development.


With the use of standardized testing as one of the main ways students must demonstrate their learning, it is vital that they are confident test takers and capable of solving math equations on their own. The best way to support this is through at-home workbooks for math. Go Math Grade 8 and ArgoPrep Grade 8 workbooks are industry-leaders with their Common Core-aligned workbooks to support skill development. Using these workbooks at home can benefit a struggling learner, somebody who is looking for a little more practice, or challenge a student who is seeking enrichment to their coursework.

Importance of Supporting Math at Home

indicate that the average student should have at least 61.2 minutes of math instruction each day (Larson, 2017).

So what happens if your child only has a block of 45 minutes in school each day?

Larson argues that a 15-minute deficiency each day could equal a 60-day loss over a 180-day school year. That 30% loss will be reflected as your student progresses during their academic career, but most notably you will begin to see the lack of time and their ability to understand the content being taught on a day-to-day basis!

Taking that statistic one step further, this loss could equate to over a year of lost math practice/instruction time during their middle school years alone!

Imagine your child entering into 9th grade, but their middle school stopped teaching upon entering 8th grade, as a parent you’d be outraged!

All teachers, classrooms, and schools are different. Your child may be getting a sufficient amount of time with math each dahttps://prnt.sc/tgn9gjy, but why wait to find that out when they’ve fallen behind? More so, if you could guarantee that with only 10-20 minutes additional work each daily, your child would be scoring higher on tests, understanding more, and have confidence with math, wouldn’t you want to do it?

Working in partnership with parents and educators, workbooks such as Go Math Grade 8 and ArgoPrep Grade 8 have made it easy and accessible to close the learning gap that often happens in classrooms.


Common Concerns for 8th Grade Math

There are many different areas where your child could be struggling with 8th Grade math.

8th Grade focuses primarily on Algebraic expressions, and if your child is struggling, the best first step is to help them with some of their

Additionally, it is valuable to consider if your child’s struggles are psychological.

Many parents and students alike struggle with anxiety surrounding math.

The brain can play tricks on us and cause us to have a destructive thought process when it comes to learning math.

“Oh, math is so hard! I can’t do it, I don’t even know why I try I’ll just get it wrong” is a common thought process that can manifest as anxiety for many people.

If this is happening, you may find that your child is having a difficult time succeeding in assessments, turning in work, or focusing in class (despite the fact that they are thriving in all other content areas!).

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This can be a frustrating reality for many parents and children, but it doesn’t have to be.

By using at-home support such as ArgoPrep or Go Math Grade 8 workbooks, your child can progress through additional practice in a low-stakes setting. These workbooks are designed in a way that students can understand, parents can help, and content can be easily understood.

By having success with math, your child has the opportunity to rewrite their internal dialogue to have more confidence when it comes to math.

Go Math Grade 8 vs. ArgoPrep:
Workbook Formats


Both Go Math Grade 8 and
follow similar formats for skill practice.

Broken up into units and lessons, Go Math Grade 8 units span over a few weeks. The overview page explains the concepts of the unit and gives an example of how to solve the type of problem present in the lessons.

It provides a short vocabulary list with a definition. This information is delivered in both English on one side and Spanish on the other, making it accessible and usable by many parents.

8th Grade MathArgoPrep’s workbook is broken up into weeks, scaffolding (that’s Teacher talk for increasing difficulty) the concepts as the weeks progress. A link to a video lesson accompanies each week, meaning that parents who are trying to help their kids have real-time, quick instruction through video whenever they need it!

Each week also features a short, one-sentence summary of the skills being worked on that week.

Each book features a mix of standard problems and word problems, exposing students to a variety of mathematical equations. Go Math! features one page of “Extra Practice” at the end of the unit.

ArgoPrep uses day five for an assessment and provides an extra day (day six) for a challenge question.

One of my favorite features that ArgoPrep includes (and Go Math! doesn’t) is access to all of the answers in the workbook. With the answer key in the back of the workbook and explanations of each problem through the online video explanations, you are never going to have to wonder if your child has correctly completed the work. By building in the additional safeguard of providing an answer key, parents and children can confidently practice and learn concepts.

Go Math Grade 8 vs. ArgoPrep:
Workbook Preview

website 8th Grade math will focus on: “(1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.”

Go Math! Grade 8 vs. ArgoPrep Grade 8 Workbooks

When choosing an at-home workbook it is crucial that you find something that is Common Core aligned to ensure that the content is beneficial and applicable to your child.

That is why ArgoPrep and Go Math Grade 8 workbooks are invaluable to the families who use them.

These companies have done the hard work, so you don’t have to when it comes to compiling relevant content with appropriate rigor for the age of the student.

Based on the Common Core 8th Grade Math Key Features, both ArgoPrep Grade 8 and Go Math Grade 8 have compiled their curriculum as follows:

8th Grade Math

The ArgoPrep Difference

On the surface Go Math! Grade 8 and ArgoPrep Grade 8 workbooks basically look the same.

They both have practice, assessments, explanations of concepts, and they’re all contained in a simple, easy-to-use workbook. It’s true! They are basically the same, and as industry leaders, both companies deliver quality enrichment.

But ArgoPrep elevates our product through the online support portal included with each workbook purchase. When you purchase an ArgoPrep workbook, you are also gaining access to video explanations of every single problem in the workbook.

ArgoPrep also offers an award-winning online K-8 Math & ELA program that offers hundreds of video lessons, thousands of practice questions, printable worksheets, and more! Consider ArgoPrep as the perfect all-in-one option for a busy family!


Many students have their first interaction with college entrance exams (PSAT) when the are Sophomores in high school.
 is, of course, an indicator of performance on the SAT, but many colleges will use PSAT scores for scholarship awarding and more.

An 8th grader is two short years away from that exam, so delaying in preparing could be a costly mistake. Workbooks such as Go Math Grade 8 and ArgoPrep Grade 8 help support students in laying a strong foundation that will prepare them to thrive with these types of standardized assessments.

Moreover, these workbooks will help students understand relevant content that they are currently learning in school, which in turn will increase their grades and confidence when it comes to math. 

If you are seeking supplemental at-home support for your child’s math education, look no further than one of the award-winning workbook options!