Can Narcoleptic Steve Stay Awake to Add?

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Monster Steve is narcoleptic, which means he falls asleep when he least expects to. However, nothing – not even sleep – can keep him from doing math problems! He even does them while he dreams! Students can take part in his exciting world of arithmetic fun by working through these three two-digit addend problems. They’ll soon see that even though these problems look weird, alien, and maybe a little overwhelming, but they can do this! As narcoleptic Steve often says, “Hey! Dreams can come true!”


Monster Steve is narcoleptic, which means he falls asleep when he least expects to. However, nothing – not even sleep – can keep him from doing math problems! He even does them while he dreams! Students can take part in his exciting world of arithmetic fun by working through these three two-digit addend problems. They’ll soon see that even though these problems look weird, alien, and maybe a little overwhelming, but they can do this! As narcoleptic Steve often says, “Hey! Dreams can come true!”