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These time word problems worksheets grade 3 are excellent for third-graders learning about telling time and deepening their understanding of solving word problems. Third-graders will be able to review or practice their skills in both areas with this ArgoPrep worksheet. Students will practice working out real-life-type problems involving the use of time and show just how much they have been learning about telling time.
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These time word problems worksheets grade 3 will have third-graders practicing all they have learned about telling time and doing so in a real-to-life problem. Word-problems are an excellent way for students to see how they use math every day and a way to practice solving problems they might come across. For instance, being able to determine how much time has passed from one event to the next is a valuable skill. Or being able to what time it will be when a future event will occur might be what they will solve for. This worksheet is a great way for students to practice the practical situations they might encounter with telling time and third-graders will be able to put their skills to the test. Download this teacher-created worksheet and students can practice working with time-related word problems and see how all that they have been learning will benefit them as well as giving them an opportunity to practice working with word problems.