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These calculating time intervals worksheets for 2nd Grade will have students working on determining the time it will be after something has happened. To start, they will be given a beginning time and a story problem to help them see how much time has passed. To complete the problems, students will need to decide what time it will be after the event(s) take place. Download the ArgoPrep worksheet below to get started!
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Calculating Time Intervals Worksheets 2nd Grade will have students practicing working with elapsed time. Second-graders who have a firm grasp on telling time will now be challenged to tell the time on the clock after some time has passed. For example, they will have word problems that ask them what time it will be if a child gets up at a certain time and takes an hour to get ready for school and eat breakfast, what time will it be when they are finished? Students will need to know the original time and be able to tell the time an hour from then to get the correct answer. Being able to answer this type of problem will help second-grade students with understanding what time it will be when an hour or half-hour has passed and they will begin to be able to predict the time it will be after time has elapsed. This ArgoPrep worksheet is the next step towards learning about calculating time intervals for second-graders.